Feeling Wild and Sexy!

Feeling Wild and Sexy!
Animal print dress that I wore to the Princeton Club on 05/07/10 - woohoo!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Well I guess I'm back into blogging again!

Now that I have left the Twitter scene and no longer in "Twitterland".  After attempting it multiple (some of it was encouragement from my fans, to those I apologize) times, I felt that it was no longer for me and a waste of time. 

I put many hours of work into taking my own pictures with a timer, editing and uploading as well as coming up with text or a little storyline for my updates and, contrary to what some of you who have no clue think "oh that's easy" "oh that's a no-brainer" , etc, it's STILL WORK and I DO THIS TO MAKE MONEY.  I was trying to use Twitter to promote my site to generate sales but all that I felt that it benefitted anymore was mainly freeloaders who wanted to see pictures of me, jerk off to them then harass me about stupid shit that I have no time for.  So there,  I am just letting you guys know and putting it out there my feelings and exactly WHY I will not do the Twitter thing ever again.

But then again, there is always my SC site that you can view for my latest pictures as well as my news section for the latest updates as well as I now have a "Fantasies" page where I am writing short story fantasies and then realities as well, the things that I have actually done.  WARNING:  Some content might not be suitable for everybody, including upcoming stories of:  FISTING, GANGBANGS AND INTERRACIAL (oh my!) type of scenarios.  I know of  a few fans out there or former fans who used to be nice to me - but since they know how I REALLY AM or rather, how my interests have changed and that I am now back to doing these types of things again - they have been saying pretty mean things and trying to sabotage my SC site.

Well, to those of you who don't approve -  TOO FUCKING BAD! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN DON'T LOOK, GO THE FUCK AWAY AND GET A LIFE!  I am so tired of being nice and polite, sorry!  Why people have to get ridiculously jealous like this is beyond me.  I guess they lose control of their mentality and bashing somebody else just makes them feel better about themselves. 

Anyways back to our regularly scheduled program....lol